lauantai 5. kesäkuuta 2010

When She Loved Me

Haluan postata tämän nimimerkki "Bourbonin" kirjoittaman tekstin tänne, koska mielestäni sen sanoma on varsin osuva. Aikoinaan teksti pyöri YouTubessa videon muodossa ja taustamusiikkikin oli vielä oikein tunteisiin vetoava... Sittemmin koko video poistettiin ja olen yrittänyt saada tekstiä käsiini jokusen kerran tässä parin vuoden aikana. Nyt se vihdoin onnistui!

Sokerioravia eli "sokruja" tuntemattomille mainittakoon, että kyseessä on siis äärimmäisen sosiaalinen ja seurallinen laumaeläin, joka parhaimmillaan luo hyvin vahvan siteen omistajaansa, mutta jota ei koskaan tulisi pitää ilman lajitoverin seuraa. Pätee muuten aivan yhtä hyvin muihinkin laumaeläimiin, kuten kaneihin, moniin jyrsijöihin, lintuihin ja kaloihin! Sokru elää jopa 15 vuotta ja yhden kuollessa sen kumppani saattaa masentua ja sen seurauksena jopa kuolla yksinäisyyteen. Omistaja voi (ja tietysti tulisikin) yrittää pitää laumaeläimelle seuraa, mutta ihmisen yleensä hyvin rajallinen seuranpito ei koskaan voi korvata lajitoverin seuraa!

When She Loved Me
Text by Bourbon

Boy, I really love my person, but I miss her. She brings me good stuff to eat; I can even hear her sometimes, but when I finally get to the door, she is gone. I don’t see her anymore.

She used to take me out to play with her all the time! I don’t know what happened. It wasn’t like it was all at once, things just started happening, and before I knew it I was sitting here in my cage all alone.

When I first got here, boy was I scared! She took the time for me to learn that she was okay, she would bring me lots of treats, take me out every day, and carry me while I slept. She used to show me to different people, but never let them scare me. I always felt safe when I was with her.

She used to let me run around in her car while she drove and laughed at me, while I sat on her hands and climbed on top of her head. I would hang by my back feet from the top of the roof and look at her eyes. She would always call me silly. Sometimes I would just poke my head up, just to see her. I loved her so much, she would pet my head and I would go back to sleep.

We used to play lots of games with feathers, balls, straws, strings, and she had ropes that she would let me climb up and down. Every day she would bring me a new toy. When I played in her room I would climb to the top of the curtain rod way up high and glide down to her. I remember her laughing, sometimes I would miss and hit her face. Gosh, we used to have so much fun, in fact I was hardly ever in my cage.

I really grew to love her so much. I miss her, I miss all the fun we used to have. Now she only comes in to feed me while I sleep. I never get to see her much anymore.

I wonder what I did? Why doesn’t she love me anymore?
I sit here at night and just watch her sleeping. I remember how she used to pet me.

I am so lonely... Sometimes I get so depressed, I don’t know what to do. She doesn’t buy any new toys anymore, so all I have are these old ones. Why would she make me sit by myself and feel this way?

Does she even know how I feel? Would she care? Can’t she just once look at me and see in my eyes how much I miss her? Can’t she tell that I don’t feel like playing in my cage all alone?

I don’t feel like eating. Every time I try to eat, I remember her giving me treats and playing with me. What will happen to me? I get so lonely without her. All I get now is these old pictures in my mind of her laughing, smiling, and acting like she loved me.

Did she really love me at all? Was it just an act? How can a person forget they love someone?

I couldn't.

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